Brave is a coming of age film that focuses on Merida's journey to independence and following her own path in life.
In order to do this, Merida gives her mom a spelled pastry that turns her into a bear. The film focuses on Merida and Elinor as they attempt to break the curse and repair their strained mother-daughter relationship.
The film reflects upon three main themes that have religious connotations - Fate/Destiny, Redemption/Forgiveness, and Family.
Merida attempts to change her fate, only to be met with many consequences for her actions. Although her path in life was changed by her actions, it is possible to argue that it was her fate to go on this journey in the first place.
The idea of redemption and forgiveness is seen through Merida at the end of the film. In order to save her mother and reverse the curse, she must repent to her mother for her actions, admit to her "sin" and feel remorse - which ultimately allows her mother to turn back into a human.
Finally, the film focuses on the importance of family and familial love and protection, which is a very important concept within many religious circles.